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Lesson One: Dallas Storm Flett-Wapash 27 CONCEPT ART SELFASSESSMENT RUBRIC CATEGORIES OF PERFORMANCE: NEEDS IMPROVEMENT 1 GOOD 2 GREAT 3 OUTSTANDING 4 Time and Eort Class time was not used wisely, and there was no additional eort. Class time was not always used wisely, but I did do some additional work at home. Class time was used wisely. I could have put in more time and eort at home. Much time and eort went into the planning and design. I put in a lot of work at home as well as at school. Creativity and Uniqueness The project lacked creativity, individuality, and concepts may be from a dierent video game. The project could have used more cre- ativity or uniqueness. I used a few colours. Project was very cre- ative. I used dierent colours and designs. Project was exceedingly creative. I used a variety of colours and designs. I thought outside of the box! Quality and Neatness of Design Scenes are unclear and disorganized Scenes show the setting Scenes show a detailed setting including landscape, buildings, journeys etc. Scenes show a detailed setting including land- scape, buildings, journeys, plus demonstrate mood of the game (cheerful, fright- ening, surreal etc.) /12 CONCEPT ART AND 3D MODEL SELFASSESSMENT: Give yourself a mark for each category by either adding a checkmark or highlighting the box. 3D MODEL SELFASSESSMENT RUBRIC CATEGORIES OF PERFORMANCE: NEEDS IMPROVEMENT 1 GOOD 2 GREAT 3 OUTSTANDING 4 Time and Eort Class time was not used wisely, and there was no additional eort. Class time was not always used wisely, but I did do some additional work at home. Class time was used wisely. I could have put in more time and eort at home. Much time and eort went into the planning and design. I put in a lot of work at home as well as at school. Creativity and Uniqueness The project lacked creativity,individuality, and concepts may be from a dierent video game. The project could have used more cre- ativity or uniqueness. I used a few colours. Project was very cre- ative. I used dierent colours and designs. Project was exceed- ingly creative. I used a variety of colours and designs. I thought outside of the box! Quality and Neatness of Design There were little or no facial features, My character was disorga- nized or confusing My character design was a bit confusing or disorganized. I could have put more thought into it. My character is unique, has facial features, has hair, and clothing. My character design went above and beyond. It looks like a real character straight from a video game. /12 Total/24