
Fireside Chats Teacher's Guide: Volume 1

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1433180

Contents of this Issue


Page 89 of 202

Lesson One: Mumilaaq Qaqqaq 88 The debriefing questions after Mumilaaq's interview with Fireside Chats is a form of formative assessment. Teachers will be able to check what students took away from Raven's video and make connections to the other parts of the lesson. The Mock Class Debate is a summative assessment. Students will be assessed by a group evalu- ation rubric, peer feedback evaluation, a debate self assessment question and a self-assessment rubric. The self-assessment rubric is for students to give themselves a meaningful mark for their contributions and experience. TAKE STUDENT LEARNING FURTHER Activity: Letter to an MP Writing Activity To take students' learning further, if they are keen on social justice issues they may write a letter to their Member of Parliament. In the students' letters, they may write about a specific issue they want to be addressed or to learn more about. Letters should be no more than a page long. In the letter students would need to state the purpose/objective of the letter at the beginning and briefly introduce the concerns they have. Next, students should describe why they are interested in the issue. Students may include questions to ask their MP for more information on the issue and/or their stance. Finally, students could make a request for a specific action to be taken, and explain why this action is important. Students can also give thanks to their MP for any positive action they have taken in the past on the issue they are presenting.

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