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General Lesson Plan One 7 ASSESSMENT The think-pair-share strategy is a form of formative assessment. Teachers will be able to check students' prior knowledge on the subject and correct misconceptions as they read out the students' answers from the sticky notes. The inquiry-based research project is a form of summative assessment. Using the checklist provided below to mark stu- dents' presentations and provide them with constructive feedback. They can use this feedback for improvement of future presentations. Students will be marked on if their presentation included a clear, concise job overview, if their presentation included the correct job sector, if their presentation included all the educational requirements needed for the career, if their presentation included 5-8 duties of the job, if their presentation clearly reported the impact on Indigenous peoples/ communities, and if their presentation included 5-8 interesting facts of the job. Students will also be marked on if their presentation was engaging, and the presenter spoke with appropriate volume and if the presentation was well-organized, easy to follow and was in the 3-5 minute time frame. The discussion questions are a form of self-assessment. Check for students' new understanding and correct any last mis- conceptions students may have. Take Student Learning Further Activity: Indigenous Job Sector Career Fair Student learning does not have to stop with their presentations to their class. Students can create tri-fold boards of their research and invite other classrooms down to preview a career fair. Students can teach other classrooms about the many opportunities available in the Indigenous careers sector and how Indigenous peoples make amazing contributions to our communities and economy!