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Lesson Three: Carly Chartier 66 EXCELLENT 3 GOOD 2 NEEDS IMPROVEMENT 1 MISSING 0 Inclusion of Support Systems I showcased 15-24 dierent supports in my visual project, as well as additional information. I showcased 15-24 dif- ferent supports in my visual project but no additional information I showcased 7-14 dif- ferent supports in my visual project. I showcased less than 7 dierent supports in my visual project. Organization The project isexcep- tionally organized in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The project is orga- nized in terms of design, layout, and neatness. The project is slightly disorganized. The project is distractingly messy OR poorly designed. The project is very dis- organized. The project is distractingly messy AND poorly designed Creativity Project was exceed- ingly creative. I used dierent colours, images and words. I thought outside of the box! Project was very cre- ative. I used dierent colours, images and words. The project could have used more creativity or uniqueness. I used a few images and colours. The project lacked images, colour, and words. Time and Eort Much time and eort went into the planning and design. I put in a lot of work at home as well as at school. Class time was used wisely. I could have put in more time and eort at home. Class time was not always used wisely, but I did do some addi- tional work at home. Class time was not used wisely, and there was no additional eort. Mechanics No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Almost no (1-3) gram- matical, spelling or punctuation errors A few (4-6) gram- matical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Many (7+) grammatical, spelling, or punctua- tion errors Self-assess and give yourself a mark out of 15. /15 SUPPORT SYSTEM VISUAL ACTIVITY SELFASSESSMENT Use the rubric below as guidelines on how to construct your Support System Visual. Before you hand in your project, give yourself a mark using this rubric and answer the two reflection questions below.