
Fireside Chats Teacher's Guide: Volume 1

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1433180

Contents of this Issue


Page 60 of 202

Lesson Three: Carly Chartier 59 assessment. Teachers will be able to check what students took away from Carly's video and make connections to the other parts of the lesson. The Support Systems activity is a summative assessment. Students will be given a mark based on the self-assessment rubric where students will reflect on how much content they included, how well their connections go in-depth, and their experience creating their support system visu- ally. Students will be given a final mark out of 25 - 15 marks for their visual support system project and 10 marks for their self reflection questions. TAKE STUDENT LEARNING FURTHER Activity: Community Resources Infographic If students show a keen interest in learning more about resources that are available to them in the community, they can do a research project about what resources are currently available in their community for youth. Students will answer the question "Where can you go in your com- munity to find support and resources for your next big transition in life?" With their research, students will create an infographic. The infographic will give others an idea where they can find dierent community resources and support. Students can share their infographic broadly, so new community members can find safe spaces to turn to when in need.

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