
Fireside Chats Teacher's Guide: Volume 1

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Lesson Two: Curtis Clearsky 46 After the Feast, provide students with the Classroom Feast Assessment provided below. Stu- dents will mark themselves and their group members with a checklist based on their participation in preparing the feast and answer a self-reflection question. ASSESS: The activating strategy of term definitions is a form of formative assessment. Teachers will be able to check students' prior knowledge about food sovereignty and Indigenous food sover- eignty and correct any misconceptions students may have as they share their answers. The Medicine Wheel Graphic Organizer is a form of formative assessment. This is a place for students to record and organize the information gained in the lesson. Handout the Classroom Feast Assessment and have students self-assess and peer-assess their participation, cooperation and attitude. The reflection questions are a form of summative self-assessment. Check for students' new understanding and correct any last misconceptions students may have. Students will be giving themselves a mark for their participation in preparing the feast. TAKE STUDENT LEARNING FURTHER Activity: Food Sovereignty in Canada Research Project If students show a keen interest in learning more about Indigenous food sovereignty or food sovereignty in general, students can do an inquiry-based learning project on the topic. Students can research food sovereignty on a local, national or global scale. Students can work individually, in pairs or in groups. Students will guide their own learning by creating their own inquiry questions to research. Some inquiry-question examples: •What are the Seven Pillars of Food Sovereignty in Canada? •How do farmers maintain sustainable practices? •How does food sovereignty and sustainable food systems in Alberta compare to Yukon? •How does Canada's food sovereignty for Indigenous peoples compare to Indigenous peoples in the states? Students will spend time researching their topic based on the questions they have. Finally, stu- dents should have the opportunity to analyze their findings through an essay, poster, multimedia presentation or other mode of assessment.

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