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Lesson One: Mumilaaq Qaqqaq 86 ACTIVATE: MUMILAAQ QAQQAQ'S FINAL HOUSE OF COMMONS SPEECH To begin the lesson, instruct the class that today they will be watching two videos featuring Mumilaaq Qaqqaq, a former Member of Parliament for Nunavut, an Inuit leader, and human rights defender. In the first video, they will be watching Mumilaaw's final House of Commons speech. In this farewell, Mumilaaq denounces Canada's racism. She highlights the culture of workplace racism in Parliament and the empty promises that the federal government has made toward Indigenous Peoples. Play the video and have students write down their thoughts, feelings, and emotions that the speech evokes. To debrief the video, ask the class the following questions: 1.What are some feelings or emotions you felt while listening to Mumilaaq's speech? 2.What barriers do young, marginalized people face when they decide to run for oce? ACQUIRE: MUMILAAQ QAQQAQ'S FIRESIDE CHAT VIDEO Mumilaaq Qaqqaq ( ) is a Member of Parliament, and human rights defender. She is best known for a speech she made in the House of Commons on International Women's Day in 2017. Originally from Baker Lake, Nunavut, she now lives in the capital, Iqaluit. Mumilaaq is the elected MP for Nunavut and former employment ocer with Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated. She previously worked as a Wellness Program Specialist with the health department of the Government of Nunavut. She has held positions with Inuit Tapariit Kanatami, Susan Aglukark, and Northern Youth Abroad. As a youth leader with connections across the territory, Mumilaaq knows how important it is to recognize the unique culture of Nunavut communities and the distinct challenges Nunavummiut face. Mumilaaq is standing with Jagmeet Singh and the NDP to improve the lives of Nunavummiut, through aordable housing, better access to services, and federal laws that are in harmony with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indige- nous Peoples. Start the video of Mumilaaq Qaqqaq's interview with Fireside Chats. In the interview, Mumilaaq discusses her career and education journey to become a Member of Parliament for Nunavut. To debrief the video, ask the class the following questions: 1.What does Mumilaaq label as her biggest barrier/worst-critic and why? 2.What advice does Mumilaaq have for her younger self? 3.What is the importance in having Mumilaaq pave the way for other Indigenous youth to be heard? Students will use the knowledge and teachings from both of the videos featuring Mumilaaq and apply them to a Mock Class Debate. APPLY: MOCK CLASS DEBATE ON ACCESS TO CLEAN WATER Students will participate in a mock class debate. In this debate, the topic will be about access to clean water in northern communities in Canada. Half of the class will be on the "For" side or "Side A". The other half will be the "Against" side or "Side B". In a classroom debate, a proposition is stated and students make arguments for or against the statement. Students will be given hand-outs and must research and prepare arguments. Stu- dents will be given a large chart paper to write down their arguments and ideas. Students must complete research before they start debating so they can participate in the debate eectively. While debating, students are required to think on the spot and respond to the opposing sides' counterarguments. Lesson Plan