
Fireside Chats Teacher's Guide: Volume 1

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Page 182 of 202

Lesson Three: Niigaan Sinclair 181 Answer: True 2 3. True or False? Many Indigenous nations in Canada developed unique combinations of wild plants to relieve coughs, forming what we now know as cough syrup. Answer: True 3 4. True or False? Indigenous nations in Canada have been using the main ingredient in aspirin for centuries. Answer: True 4 5. Where in Canada is the historic homeland of the Metis? a. Winnipeg, Manitoba b. Toronto, Ontario c. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta d. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Answer: C (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta) 5 6. In what year did the last residential school in Canada close? a. 1966 b. 1976 c. 1986 d. 1996 Answer: D (1996) 6 7. Approximately 150,000 Indigenous children attended Residential Schools. What per- centage of these children died there? a. 10% b. 25% c. 50% d. 60% Answer: B (25%) 7 8. What is an example of a Treaty Right? a. The right to hunt and fish on unoccupied Crown land b. Resource revenue sharing and measures to participate in the Canadian economy c. Schools and teachers on reserves to be paid for by the government d. All of the Above 8 Answer: All of the Above 9. The term Indigenous encompasses… 2 Manitoba Education. "Diverse Peoples – Aboriginal Contributions and Inventions". PDF. https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/ cur/socstud/foundation_gr2/blms/2-2-1c.pdf Manitoba Education. "Diverse Peoples – Aboriginal Contributions and Inventions". PDF. https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/ cur/socstud/foundation_gr2/blms/2-2-1c.pdf 4 Manitoba Education. "Diverse Peoples – Aboriginal Contributions and Inventions". PDF. https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/ cur/socstud/foundation_gr2/blms/2-2-1c.pdf 5 Government of Canada. Metis Nation. Library and Archives Canada. https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/aborigi- nal-heritage/metis/Pages/introduction.aspx 6 Wilson, Kory. Pulling Together: Foundations Guide. BC Campus. https://opentextbc.ca/indigenizationfoundations/ 7 Mosby, Ian & Millions, Erin. "Canada's Residential Schools Were a Horror". Scientific American. 1 August 2021. https:// www.scientificamerican.com/article/canadas-residential-schools-were-a-horror/ 8 Government of Canada. "Treaties and Agreements". https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/ eng/1100100028574/1529354437231

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