
Fireside Chats Teacher's Guide: Volume 1

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Lesson One: Monique (Mo) Aura Bedard 138 Lesson One: Monique (Mo) Aura Bedard Activity: Art Therapy CURRICULUM CONNECTIONS Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut: •Aboriginal Studies Grades 10-12: •Art 10,20,30 •School Health Program British Columbia and Yukon: •Contemporary Indigenous Studies Grade 12 •Physical and Health Education Grade 10 Ontario: •First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Studies Grades 9-12 •Health and Physical Education Grades 9-12 •Personal Life Management Grade 12 •Dynamics of Human Relationships Grade 11 •Exploring Family Studies Grades 9-10 DURATION 1-2 hours OVERVIEW Throughout this lesson, students will participate in a Think/Pair/Share activating activity where they will discuss the concept of coping strategies, including the definition of coping strategies and the dierence between healthy and unhealthy strategies. Students will then watch Monique (Mo) Aura Bedard's interview about her journey becoming an Art Therapist and using art as a tool to teach about mental health. Students will take the information learned in the video and apply the concepts to their own lives by engaging in at least one art therapy exercise. Students will self-assess their art based on the rubric posted below. MATERIALS •"Art Therapy Activities Menu" handout •Poster Paper (various size options) •Magazines •Scissors •Glue •Paint/Paint Brushes or Pencil Crayons Arts ACTIVATE: COPING STRATEGIES THINK/PAIR/SHARE Pose the question "What is a coping strategy?" to the class. Instruct students to first think about their answer. Then, have students' pair with a partner and take turns sharing their answers. Once pairs have fully discussed the answer, solicit volunteers to share what they discussed with the whole group. Coping strategies are things that we can do to help us manage our emotions. When we are angry, sad, annoyed etc. we can do certain things to help us feel better. Next, ask "What are some examples of healthy coping strategies?" Have students go through the Think/Pair/Share process again. Once pairs have fully discussed the answer, solicit volunteers to share what they discussed with the whole group. Answers will vary. Examples of healthy coping strategies can include venting to a friend, talking with a therapist, exercising, going for walk, listening to music etc. Lesson Plan

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