During the Black Lives Matter: Transatlantic Conversation, the panelists have
identified four key priority areas that community leaders and youth organisations
should review to make necessary changes in order to create safer spaces that
support, empower, and amplify the work and leadership of young people of
colour. The four key priority areas, and this self-reflective toolkit will focus on, are:
1) Youth Voice & Empowerment
2) Knowledge & Education
3) Community Empowerment
4) Opportunity & Growth
Once again, we remind you to approach this work with love. It is important that we
challenge ourselves to truly reflect and let our guards down, however be kind, you
are always learning to keep growing. Remember to listen to understand rather
than listen to respond.
We recommend focusing on one priority area a week. Work in breakout groups to
work through the questions to identify key points and immediate action items.