
Empowering Young People of Colour

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1320418

Contents of this Issue


Page 11 of 15

1. How can your organisation raise awareness of race and equality issues? 2. How can your organisation support young people to identify who they want to influence and why? 3. In what ways can your organisation support people of colour within the broader community? 4. What can your organisation do to raise awareness/inform the wider community about issues that are important to young people of colour? What do you need to consider if you do this? e.g. risk, sensitivities, evidence vs opinion. 5. What methods are employed to create space for the community to provide feedback to the organisation? 6. How is your organisation leading by example? If not, how can you achieve this? 12 Community Empowerment

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