
2012 Annual Report

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TakingITGlobal for Educators (TIGed) supports globally-minded educators in utilizing technology to create transformative learning experiences for students, and offers programming, resources, and professional development in three key areas: global citizenship; student voice; and environmental stewardship. http://www.tiged.org 2012 was a fantastic year for TIGed! Our global community of over 9,000 educators expanded to reach over 140 countries, and we continued to improve and diversify our programs, resources, and PD offerings available to our members. New Developments Technology Platform Improvements In January 2012, we launched a major redesign of the TIGed website. Our new site features a simplified sign up process that includes an option to "pay what you can" to support various aspects of the TIGed program, and new professional development web pages to reflect our growing variety of offerings. Our resource database also underwent a makeover, with the launch of subject and issue landing pages. You can now browse resources by subject (i.e. science) or issue (i.e. environment), view top resources, videos, and active members for each area, and create your own collection of saved resources on the site. Improvements to our virtual classroom include options to customize your class with colours and logos, the option to add images to posts in the student writing feature, and customizable notification settings for blogs. The TIGed community in 2012 represented: 9,000+ Educators 3,800+ Schools 49,000+ Students engaged in Global Encounters 140+ Students Countries 25 Youth in 12 countries participated in Education Fast Forward debate 16 5,800 101 Educators in 16 countries benefited from TIGed's Professional Development e-courses TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012 TIGed Professional Development http://pd.tiged.org TIGed's professional development programs expanded in 2012 to include three e-courses for educators in the areas of global citizenship, student voice, and environmental stewardship. Accredited at the graduate level, these e-courses are designed to support educators by identifying practical ways to implement pedagogies that reinforce the development of 21st century skills in students, while addressing unique needs and curriculum requirements. They are fabulous networking opportunities for educators looking for international colleagues with whom to collaborate on global education projects. More than 100 educators in 16 countries took advantage of these offerings in 2012. We also launched a free monthly webinar series for those interested in learning more about our programs, tools, and resources. In-service workshops, online learning circles, and customized packages were also launched as formal PD offerings. " he resources used in TIGed e-courses are excellent T and the instructors are friendly, encouraging, and very enthusiastic about the area of expertise." — Louise Jenkins, Thailand.

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