
2012 Annual Report

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The Global Shapers community is a network of hubs developed and led by young people who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements, and their drive to make a contribution to their communities. http://www.weforum.org/community/global-shapers In the fall of 2011, the World Economic Forum launched the Global Shapers initiative, intended to extend its network of multistakeholder communities to include young leaders between the ages of 20-30. As a Young Global Leader (YGL), TakingITGlobal Executive Director Jennifer Corriero was invited to serve as the founding curator of the Toronto Hub, supporting the recruitment and development of community leading up to the Hub's first elections in November 2011. Monthly meetings with new members were held at the TIG office in Toronto during the fall and winter, providing an initial base of operations to bring the group together. In advance of her transition onto the Hub's advisory committee in July 2012, elections were held in the spring to scale the Hub's membership and establish an electoral governance process for the community moving forward. In its inaugural year, Lindsay Aranoff and TIG's Director of Operations & Research, Sean Keith, were elected by Hub members to the positions of Chair and Vice-Chair respectively. As Chair of the Hub, Ms. Aranoff was invited to attend workshops in August 2012 with other Hub Curators from around the world as part of the World Economic Forum's Annual Curators Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. The Toronto Hub, currently the largest in Canada, successfully scaled again in the fall of 2012, reaching 16 active members by year-end. While in its early stages, the Shapers community has already expanded, approaching 200 Hubs globally. Beyond 2012, the Toronto Global Shapers Hub will be actively working to create and connect community projects, supported by the Young Global Leaders and World Economic Forum working towards the creation of greater community impact. Youth For Change http://yfc.tigweb.org Youth For Change, modelled closely after the Sprout Program, allows young people to better shape, plan and implement their ideas to better their communities through mentorship and microgrants within the MENA and Arab Region. As a partnership between TakingITGlobal and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, The Youth for Change program's third phase, which was launched in December 2010 in all 22 Arab countries, was able to conduct nine open forums. Overall, 32 local projects are currently being implemented in different Arab countries and will be completed towards the end of this year. TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012 23

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