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GYAN is a youth-led organisation that works to facilitate youth participation and intergenerational partnership in global decision-making, support collaboration among diverse youth organisations, and provide tools, resources, and recognition for positive youth action. The GYAN Network connects many thousands of organisations in over 190 countries. In 2012, GYAN helped bring thousands of young people and their voices to global discussions. GYAN became a fully independent 501(c)(3) organisation in 2004, and was granted affiliate status with the United Nations Department of Public Information and is granted Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC). In conjunction with the Youth 21 Process in March 2012, GYAN supported and advocated for increased support for young people across the UN system. As a result, we were invited to participate in the Building for Change meeting hosted by UNDP and UN-Habitat in Nairobi, Kenya. There, GYAN staff delivered a plenary presentation that focused on the power of collaboration that is possible among youth networks. In 2012, GYAN was also represented on the International Youth Steering Committee and chaired the Virtual Participation task force. As such, GYAN assisted and consulted UNFPA ICPD secretariat staff in development of the website and oversaw virtual participation of 2,825 registered users including the collection and synthesis of 622 Input recommendations which shaped the Bali Youth Declaration. Partnerships and Coalitions UNESCO Education for All Report In the coming year, GYAN hopes to continue supporting youth voice in the "UN process" and meetings, especially in the Post-2015 Development goal context, by strengthening collaborative efforts across the youth sector through networking, consultations with UN agencies, and TIG promoted this campaign and created a Global Gallery set to solicit input into the UNESCO report on the state of education around the world. The Road to Rio+20 45+ Youth delegates at UN meetings 3,765 Affiliated organisations Canadian Youth Climate Coalition 6,425 Engaged youth during UN processes 14 TIG participated in a broad coalition of more than 100 Civil Society Organisations to raise awareness and action around the importance of sustainable development and the Rio+20 conference. TakingITGlobal Annual Report 2012 TIG staff are chairing the steering committee for this national coalition of youth focused climate organisations. We helped coordinate workshops and presented two training sessions at PowerShift Canada (also related to Commit2act) and facilitated Livestreaming of sessions and plenaries (Naomi Klein, Winona LaDuke, Bill McKibben, and Mikael Rioux).