
Connected North 2024-25 Session Menu

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Campus & Career Connections The Future Pathways program builds relationships between Indigenous role models and high school students in the Connected North network to deliver advice, expertise, and guidance, creating avenues to success. With these relationships in place, students will be equipped to successfully transition to their new and ongoing learning journeys, whether that be to post- secondary or the workplace. Connected North supports Indigenous youth in their transition from high school to post- secondary and/or future careers. Creating connections and building relationships with their ideal post-secondary or experts in their career of choice will instill confidence and engagement as a means to successfully navigate their future. Contact your Connected North School Lead for more information on connecting with colleges, universities, trade schools, or career professionals across Canada to start building those relationships. Supporting Transitions One-on-one Connect with post-secondary schools to learn more about their programs and supports in a one-on-one session. Students will be able to ask questions in a relaxed, casual setting. If there are particular programs that your students are interested in, please let your Connected North School Lead know so the post-secondary of your choice can cater their presentation to your students. Support for transition The move from high school to post-secondary can be difficult for many students; leaving their home community, friends and family, learning how to budget their funds, and even how to engage with instructors. Lookout throughout the year for sessions to help students prepare for their transition and start their next journey equipped with new tools, they will need for post-secondary. 100

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