
Connected North 2024-25 Session Menu

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C O N N E C T E D N O R T H 2 0 2 4 - 2 0 2 5 S E S S I O N M E N U Panel Series Throughout the year, Connected North hosts a series of panels for students to learn more about the variety of programs available throughout Canada, and to discover which school is right for them. The panels also address many topics related to preparing for applications and the transition to post-secondary or a career. Connect with Indigenous Student Centres to meet their amazing staff who are there to support students every step of their academic and personal journey. Hear stories from current and former students about how to best navigate and balance academics, social connections, and life on and off-campus. Hear from instructors and professors about the expectations and supports for students in class. Self-register your class on the Connected North platform under "Events" or contact your School Lead 2024-2025 Topic Schedule September 23: What To Do When I graduate? September 2025 will be here before you know it. You will have graduated, or be so close to graduating, and the freedom that comes with having finished high school. Now what? There are a lot of choices out there, sometimes too many. So what do you do? Join our Indigenous Role Models as they discuss the different choices they made on their career journey to help you decide what the best next steps are for you. October 28: Post Secondary Showcase With over 400 post secondary options in Canada, how do you know which school to apply for? Join various post secondaries from across Canada to learn about their programs, extracurricular activities and figure out what is the right fit for you. November 25: The Entrance Essay - How To Write About Yourself What makes you a great candidate for this school? Why should we choose you for this program? These are questions you will often see on a post secondary application, but how the heck do you answer them? What are they looking for in an answer? Join our experts as they walk you through how to write an entrance essay for post secondary and how to answer these open ended questions. February 24: Adulting 101 The end of the school year is fast approaching. Where will your new found freedom from high school take you? Will you be moving to a new city, going off to post secondary or starting a new job? So many opportunities await you and so many unknowns, which can be exciting and scary. Join our panel of Role Models as they discuss what their experiences were like leaving high school and going off on their own, things they wish they knew and opportunities that changed their lives. March 31: Scholarships, Grants, Bursaries It is actually shocking how many scholarships, grants and bursaries go unclaimed in the run of a year. Apply for as many as you can, every little bit helps, whether it is $100 that can go towards text books or your internet bill for a month. Join our panelists to learn about where to look for scholarship options, they might be where you least expect them. April 28: Where Is My Money? Budgeting You are about to be on your own, paying all your own bills, buying groceries and having to find the best cell phone package. How do you even do this? Have no fear, join our money experts as they walk you through how to budget your money, ideas on how to save money at the grocery store, and make the most out of your funds. 101

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