
Connected North 2024-25 Session Menu

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1526764

Contents of this Issue


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Maya is a Yukon-based visual artist. She is an active member of the Yukon Artists at Work Gallery, teaching art workshops across the Yukon Territory, coordinating and teaching community engagements projects and exhibiting in various art galleries. In this session, we'll draw and paint mandalas in varied mediums. We'll focus on complementary colours and how to utilize what we have at home and at school to make art in a safe way. This program can be flexible and adjusted by the art supplies available. Colourful Mandalas Maya Rosenberg Rhonda also offers Surrealism, Geometric Shape Exploration, Principle of Balance, and more. Kyle is an Indigenous Dene/nêhiyaw Métis media-maker and content creator from Fort Smith, Northwest Territories. He is now pursuing his doctoral degree in Educational Policy Studies. Students in this session will make a collage — with cut-upables! Collage sessions discuss use of collage for creative expression, in advertising, and promotion. Students in this session will learn about layering, artistic expression, depth. Students will use magazines to create their own works of art! Students may be encouraged to gift their art pieces to others as a gift. Collage Kyle Napier Rhonda has over 25 years of experience as a Visual Arts educator. In this workshop, students will learn the fundamentals of shading by exploring the purpose of value in art. Value is the lightness and/or darkness of an object or area, and in the art world, we create the illusion of form by shading our drawings. We will look at the different pencils that are used for shading, and the basics of shading. Value: The Fundamentals of Shading Rhonda Bobinski-Beckman 31 C O N N E C T E D N O R T H 2 0 2 4 - 2 0 2 5 S E S S I O N M E N U Maya also offers Exploring Colours and Textures, Mosaics From Recycled Materials, and more. Names tell us a lot. They give others a hint about where live, the language we speak and the culture we belong to. In the spirit of naming and honouring important people in your life, Tracy invites you to embroider the name of a person you want to recognize. This could be anyone you admire or love, or even yourself. We will make a simple embroidery on felt using colourful threads and appliquéd fabric. This piece can have special meaning when you embroider it in the language of your family, culture and ancestors. What's in a Name? Embroidery Tracey Fehr

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