
Connected North 2024-25 Session Menu

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1526764

Contents of this Issue


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Colour Concepts Intermediate/Senior McMichael Canadian Art Collection Students will thoroughly investigate intricate colour connections virtually throughout a guided and immersive viewing experience of remarkable and breathtaking artworks from the renowned McMichael collection. They will gain a comprehensive understanding of diverse and harmonious colour relationships such as complementary, monochromatic, and analogous, with an emphasis on the expressive and creative use of colour. This engaging workshop also includes an artmaking activity inspired by colour theory and a detailed final critique. Check out Judy's Fireside Chat! Judy Alaku is a creative Inuk from Inukjuak, Quebec. She first eagerly joined a painting workshop when she was 10 and has continued painting with vibrant acrylics since then. She likes to paint abstract versions of landscapes from her hometown. She is currently a dedicated Visual Art student at John Abbott College in Montreal. Judy will carefully walk students through the creation of a basic winter landscape. If you would like to request a landscape from your own community or any other customization, please kindly specify and/or send a photo! Winter Northern Landscape Judy Alaku You never know unless you try… Sometimes it's better to have options and try them out. 29 C O N N E C T E D N O R T H 2 0 2 4 - 2 0 2 5 S E S S I O N M E N U Heather Endall, a Cree woman from Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation, is a Canadian artist exploring personal identity through tactile expression. This session covers basic painting techniques, color mixing, and special effects using sponges and toothbrushes. Heather's "vein work" illustrates the interconnectedness of life, as veins resemble plant roots. Participants will paint an eagle feather, and discuss why the eagle represents "Love". 7 Sacred Teaching Painting - Love (Eagle) Heather Endall Heather Endall also offers 7 Sacred Teaching Painting - Truth (Turtle).

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