
2023-24 Connected North Program Report

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1524292

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Artist Pricilla Boulay was the presenter who delivered the most Connected North sessions this year - completing an impressive 301 sessions! Born into a family of multi-generational carvers in Tuktoyaktuk, Priscilla shares her carving and mixed media skills with students and teachers, helping them harness their creativity. This image features a Grade 2 class sharing the soapstone necklaces they made. The Connected North team supported the Grade 11 & 12 students at Iglulik High School to publish two magazines. The students participated in virtual training with journalist Willow Fiddler, and interviewed Connected North content provider David Finkle for a feature. Costs for the magazine printing were covered by the Connected North Samuel Youth Leadership Fund. Our team was proud to support the Nunavut Teachersʼ Association's Professional Development week again this February. We ran 25 learning sessions over 5 days for 115 teachers across the Territory. In partnership with Nunavut Arctic College, we organized sessions for High School students to explore post-secondary options. The series included showcasing the Nursing, Teacher Education, and Environmental Technology programs, and involved a virtual tour of the spaces, highlighting the unique learning opportunities, application information and details about life on campus. Through First Book Canada and RBC Stories of Empowerment, we welcomed Cree author David Robertson to Connected North in March to speak with eight schools, who all received class sets of his award winning memoir, "Black Water." The session featured an interactive conversation and writing activity on the themes of resiliency, overcoming obstacles in life, and connecting with one's own identity and history as a way to move forward. 8

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