
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Learning connects meaning and memory. Memorable Connected North sessions have played a role in motivating students to learn and fostering a positive and joyful attitude towards learning. These sessions are filled with unforgettable activities and hands-on learning that create an environment where students actively participate and absorb information with enthusiasm. Beyond academic benefits, these experiences facilitate meaningful connections to students' heritage, providing a cultural context that makes learning more relatable and personal. For instance, sessions such as beading with an Inuit provider contribute to these connections. Meaningfulness and Memories Explore career paths with your classroom. Exposure to various Connected North sessions allows students to explore potential career paths, igniting their curiosity about the future. By intertwining education with enjoyable and memorable moments through Connected North, students develop a passion for lifelong learning and future thinking. We have been so fortunate to be able to connect our students to awesome people who can share their knowledge and skills without coming all the way up to the North. In addition, we have had the chance to have professional development for teachers set up through Connected North. Memories include dissecting cephalopods and hearing from a war veteran who shared war stories, fostering a deep understanding of history. He also created meaningful connections to Inuit individuals who served for Canada. Other remarkable Connected North Sessions included music lessons, ukulele classes, dental hygiene classes, health and social-emotional learning classes, multicultural festivals and lessons linking students to other cultures. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Karen Chan Gray - Connected North in Our Classroom 72

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