
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Contents of this Issue


Page 71 of 112

After the Session Have an oral debrief immediately after the session while it's still fresh in students' minds to discuss what they've learned. Create exit tickets for them – two things you liked, two things you learned, two things you want to know more about. Do a Post-it wall for what they learned – ask everyone to write one thing that they learned from the session and write it on a Post-it. Students can then quietly read what the rest of the class wrote. Refer back to the hands-on activity as you are moving forward onto the next lessons (this goes back to the original planning phase; integrate well and the sessions will tie into assessments). Build on the knowledge from the sessions – extend and reuse the materials provided to make other innovations (e.g. reuse the batteries and lights to create other circuits). C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Karen Chan Gray - Connected North in Our Classroom 71

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