
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Furthermore, Connected North sessions teach students valuable communication skills, such as respectful listening, and increasing communication at home. Several times, over the years, families have reached out to say that their typically disengaged child, has come home excited to share their learning, specifically from sessions such as Caribou Tuft Keychains, Dream Catchers, Plastics on Your Plate, or Mighty Melanin. Thank You (Kwä nä schis) The greatest impacts that I have seen in the classroom relate to student engagement. I find that sessions hold students' attention, and students are less overwhelmed. As a result, there are less interruptions, and students are willing to take risks, especially if you are learning alongside them. There is power in having your students watch their teacher question, struggle, and even model failure. I'm sure it's clear that for me, Connected North has increased student engagement, broadened our horizons, and allowed our classroom to cast a wider net of community-while still getting firsthand insight from experts in an assortment of fields. Everyone's journey will be different. I challenge you to find a session that is new and exciting to your classroom and see for yourself what worlds Connected North can open up for your students and your teaching. To succeed in this world, kids need to have one hand on the keyboard, and one foot on the land. — Champagne & Aishihik First Nations Elder, James Allen C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Brendan Morphet - Connected North in Our Classroom 53

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