
Connected North in Our Classroom

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How much you get out of a session, depends on how much you put into it. Try to encourage discussion among peers and solicit questions from your students. One method that I use with our class, is to follow up our sessions with a sharing circle. In this moment, students can share highlights or challenges from our session. Front-loading the class also yields great discussions after the lesson. Technology occupies an important place within students' lives and when used in the classroom, presents information in exciting ways. Connected North makes learning fun, especially for students who have struggled to engage with traditional lessons. It harnesses the potential to support inclusive education for students with diverse learning needs. Student Success: In 2023, we were learning about ancient civilizations, and students connected for a session called Mummies: Unwrapped, a highly interactive program that showed students the mummification process. Of particular interest was how and why organs were harvested. At the end of the session, we stayed online with the provider for an additional 10 to 15 minutes asking questions. What I like most about Connected North is that it connects students to people and places beyond their communities by providing inspiring role models and integrating diversity. Having participated in a variety of sessions, I am drawn to a few specific providers for their content but more so how they engage with the students. It's great to sign into a session knowing that the provider knows you and your class. It provides familiarity and confidence in teaching. Although I have had many excellent providers, a few sessions stand out. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Brendan Morphet - Connected North in Our Classroom 52

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