
Connected North in Our Classroom

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1522644

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Many sessions with Connected North have been memorable, with some sessions requiring more support than others. For example, my students are English language learners, and although their English is good, sometimes presenters may speak more quickly than the students are used to, or they may use words and phrasing that the students are unfamiliar with. To help bridge this gap, I will mute the microphone on our end and check in with the students to see if they understand what the presenter is discussing. If students are having trouble understanding, I'll give a summary of what the presenter has been discussing in ways that the students will understand. In addition, I have students who are curious but can be shy. I will also mute the microphone and check in with the class to see if anyone has any questions. Students will ask questions on their own, and will let me know what their question is, and I will ask the presenter on their behalf. The cover of a student's children's book for a project in English class. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Kylie Geary - Connected North in Our Classroom 95

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