
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Integrating Connected North Memorable Sessions When I first learned of this program, I was intrigued. I was not sure if a class of four and five-year-old students could handle a virtual presentation on a large screen. I spent a lot of time going through the program guide and talking with our School Lead. I used my year plans as a guide to help me figure out what sessions to book. Because you need to book in advance, the timing can sometimes be difficult. I then investigated areas that I felt would interest my little ones and spark their curiosity. I looked for sessions around 30 minutes long and ones that had movement. out. The first few sessions were science-related with a focus on animals. These sessions tackled and supported the curriculum content I was focusing on at the time. I honestly do not remember my first session, but I do remember being nervous. I was worried about the Wi-Fi connection, the student's behaviour, and whether the presenter could maintain the students' interest. All those worries were soon put to rest. As I got to know my students and what they needed during a session, I became flexible and adapted the room to meet their needs. Sessions can also be used to close out a unit. In October, my grade 3/4 class did a unit on Bats. Our novel was about bats, and the students were learning how to research. They each picked a bat, researched it, and wrote a report. Then towards the end of our unit, we did a session called Bat Biology. The students got to meet three different kinds of bats and learn about echolocation through an experiment. The session was a fantastic way to finish our unit. The students shared interesting facts and had awesome questions for our host. She was impressed with their knowledge. Afterwards, our discussions raised more questions about what further research we could do. My most memorable sessions with Connected North have involved animals. I love the reactions of my students when the host brings out an animal; the students are in awe. The live interaction creates an atmosphere of being there and experiencing learning firsthand. There are many sessions to choose from. I pick different sessions for varied reasons. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Cindy Freeman - Connected North in Our Classroom 20

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