
Connected North in Our Classroom

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1522644

Contents of this Issue


Page 21 of 112

Types of Sessions High interest (they pick) Using a session as an introduction (launch) or as a concluding lesson to a unit Art (they always create something amazing) Cultural Tips for Getting Started Browse the sessions on the Connected North platform (sessions.connectednorth.org) Talk with your Connected North School Lead Visit a classroom using the program, and observe how it works Look at your unit plans, and find a session that is a best fit to enhance learning Talk to your students, and find out what they are interested in; pick one or make a list and vote for their favourite Connected North sessions are great to use as a launch into a new unit. These sessions can spark questions, curiosity, discussions, and pure excitement. For example, my kindergarten class was looking into life cycles and was going to raise butterflies. We started the unit with a few stories and made a web of what we knew about butterflies. Then we visited the Royal Botanical Gardens in Toronto and spent time in the butterfly conservatory learning about the monarch butterfly. The kindergartners were thrilled and could not wait for our eggs to arrive so they could raise their own butterflies. Follow-Up Activities: Have students write and draw about what they learned. Have discussions. Complete the follow-up activities the presenter has sent. Add what we learned to our KWL chart or web. Realize that Sessions may lead to new lessons or inquiries the students have made. Create research reports. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Cindy Freeman - Connected North in Our Classroom 21

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