
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Cindy Freeman Ghùch Tlâ Community School Carcross, Yukon Connected North has brought the outside world to Carcross. The students have been able to experience and interact with incredible instructors from across North America. This program allows students to visit places they would otherwise not get the chance to see. The interaction between our guests and students is remarkable. The students learn to ask intelligent questions, expand their horizons, and share their knowledge. One thing I have noticed is that the students really like to demonstrate their knowledge in an area, and the instructors are always so impressed with them. This builds confidence and has increased their desire to learn more. This is an excellent way of fostering a love of learning. Connecting to the World My name is Cynthia Freeman, and I have been teaching for over 25 years, 24 in the Yukon. I have taught in two communities, Watson Lake and Carcross. I have taught everything from kindergarten to grade 5, Learning assistance, Reading Recovery and literacy support. I have taught many kinds of split and straight grades: 1/2, 2/3, 1/2/3, and 3/4. Presently I am teaching 3/4 split at Ghùch Tlâ Community School in Carcross (where I have been for 20 years). Carcross is a small community about 85 km south of Whitehorse, Yukon. Carcross is nestled in between two lakes and surrounded by mountains. Introduction C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Cindy Freeman - Connected North in Our Classroom 19

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