
2017 Sprout Ideas Fellowship: Lessons Learned

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/955494

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Passion and Community Realizing you have what it takes to be a social entrepreneur is a huge step. Aaliyan and Celyn talk about finding your passion and a community that will support and inspire you. "The most important lesson I've learned is how much social entrepreneurship depends on passion and perseverance as opposed to experience." - Celyn Brown Celyn Brown | Founder of SaveForward "I came to appreciate the importance of surrounding myself with other entrepreneurs - both social and mainstream. Sometimes, I forget that everyone else is just as unsure about what they're doing as I am. Seeing others work through it reminds me that I just have to keep moving forward and learning from my mistakes. Because entrepreneurs know how difficult the journey is, most are willing to provide support and connections for other entrepreneurs wherever they can. Having limited funds helped me realize the importance of developing relationships with individuals who truly care about SaveForward's mission." SaveForward is a mobile app that incentivizes people to avoid impulse purchases and redirects their savings to microfinance loans to entrepreneurs in underbanked regions of the world. 4

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