
2017 Sprout Ideas Fellowship: Lessons Learned

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/955494

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Seek Networks and Mentorship It's okay to admit that you don't know everything. You already heard about the importance of continuous learning. Your networks and mentors can help you with that! Aian, Nyle, and Alex tell us about some of the key learnings they had through mentors and their support networks. Aian Binlayo | Founder of Carbonbase I greatly valued the network of expertise that I was able tap into as a Fellow. In particular, I found my experience speaking with current mobile application developers—including those who have developed similar applications for environmental non-profits—hugely valuable. From these conversations, I learned a lot about the typical pipeline and workflow involved with a mobile applications, and how I might be able to best leverage on this knowledge to accommodate our project. Carbonbase is a mobile application that uses predictive technology to automatically track your everyday carbon footprint, including emissions from your travel, home, waste, and food. 13

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