
Connected North 2024-25 Session Menu

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1526764

Contents of this Issue


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Meet & Greet with Inuit Throat Singers Charlotte Qamaniq & Cynthia Pitsiulak This meet & greet with Charlotte Qamaniq from Iglulik and Cynthia Pitsiulak from Silla features an introduction or sharing of knowledge and experience of Inuit throat singing in an informal exchange between youth and the teaching artists, as well as a demonstration from the traditional and contemporary Inuit throat singing duo. C O N N E C T E D N O R T H 2 0 2 4 - 2 0 2 5 S E S S I O N M E N U 47 Finding the Ojibwe Horse Ken MacDonald & Rhonda Snow What does a classically-trained orchestral french horn player have in common with a Métis visual artist? In the case of Ken MacDonald and Rhonda Snow, both are caretakers of Ojibwe Horses, Canada's only Indigenous-developed horse breed. Ken and Rhonda combine their music and painting to share the stories and knowledge about the "Small Horses of the Big Woods". Unreal Islands Ryan Elliot Drew In this interactive virtual workshop, students explore how art cultures thrive in communities surrounded by water, from the Arctic to the Caribbean. Through a "build-an-island" activity, combining creative cartography with cultural and scientific analysis, participants create their own fictional islands. This Inquiry-Based Learning experience encourages critical thinking about coastal geography, climate, and global diversity, ending with maps and data profiles that reflect new insights. The workshop blends creativity, critical thinking, and mapping techniques with geography and climate science. Building a Story for the Stage Kristina Watt Villegas Are you full of ideas for a play, but just don't know where to begin? Led by theatre artist Kristina Watt Villegas, young playwrights will explore the fundamental concepts and first steps involved in writing a play, and will develop a six-part structure of dramatic action. By the end of the workshop, students will share their works-in-progress with each other, and will have the foundation for their own plays which they can continue to develop in class. Perfect for teachers looking for a creative spark to write original plays with their students!

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