
Connected North 2024-25 Session Menu

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1526764

Contents of this Issue


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Each TAP workshop is designed around interactive activities, a puppet performance and a facilitated conversation to maximize learning. Students learn important life skills through inquiry based learning. In this story, we explore How to be a good friend, standing up to bullies, seeking help when needed, and the importance of communication. Bullying takes many forms; physical, emotional, verbal. Verbal bullying may involve teasing, name-calling, or spreading rumours about someone. Courtney Dawn uses a variety of strategies to empower youth to address verbal bullying. Courtney will lead students in reflective discussions and will guide students through an art activity which will develop confidence and support in dealing with verbal abuse. Hurtful Words - Taking Power Courtney Dawn Anaquod "Slam Dunk for Friendship" - Inclusion & Peer to Peer Relationships Teaching Awareness Through Puppetry 49 C O N N E C T E D N O R T H 2 0 2 4 - 2 0 2 5 S E S S I O N M E N U TAP also offers "Don't Give Up!" - Working together to solve a problem! and more. Courtney Dawn Anaquod also offers Medicine Wheel Mental Health. Shyla is a Dakota 500 hr Trauma Informed yoga teacher who lives in Regina, Sask. I will be offering a fun, light hearted class for the kids to connect to their bodies and breath in creative, educational way. We will do a combination of breathing techniques such as Zombie breath, and Ball breathing and fun yoga poses such as balancing on one foot, or hopping on our mats like a frog. The class will be designed to keep the kids entertained, moving and help improve self awareness and self confidence. Yoga With Shyla Shyla Gaebel Check out Shyla's Fireside Chat! Whenever I felt like I wanted to go out drinking, or partying with friends; or maybe I just wasn't feeling good - upset or sad or something - I'd always find that yoga class, and after class, the feelings would always be gone and I'd feel so much better. And it became something I always came back to.

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