
Connected North 2024-25 Session Menu

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Educational Theatre Association of Canada also offers Mime - Acting Without Words and How to Start a Drama Club at Your School Arts Umbrella also offers Creating Charater. We are all storytellers and everything we do tells a story. In this workshop, students will explore how physicality connects to storytelling using Mime techniques. They'll learn basics like the wall, pipe, suitcase, and throwing a ball, focusing on individual movements in everyday actions. As both observers and performers, students will discover how to tell stories without words and create entire worlds with their movements. Drama 42 Physical Theatre Arts Umbrella Improvisation Educational Theatre Association of Canada Yes let's! Improv is a fun hands-on style of performance that emphasizes being in the moment and committing to that moment. Students will learn concepts such as "yes and" (accepting offers and advancing a scene by making additional offers), "group mind" (listening to each other as a team/ensemble), and "endowment" (providing meaning/context to a person, place or object). Center for Puppetry Arts also offers Aesop's Fantabulous Fables, and The Little Red Hen & the Grain of Wheat and more. Learn how cultures around the world tell similar stories by exploring "The Gingerbread Boy" through pictures and movement. Compare versions from books like Gingerbread Baby and The Musubi Man. Discover where gingerbread ingredients come from, watch a colourful shadow puppet film, and build your own Gingerbread Boy shadow puppet using a provided template and easy-to- find materials. The Gingerbread Boy Center for Puppetry Arts Creative Expressions Janine Desmoulin Janine Desmoulin is a proud Ojibwe from Biigtigong Nishnaabeg (Pic River First Nation), who works as a Cultural Resource Coordinator for Ontario Native Women's Association. Students will have the opportunity to express themselves through dramatic art activities led by Janine who weaves in humour through storytelling and sharing about self esteem and confidence building. Janine and students will work together to find their individual or group creative expression.

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