
2023-24 Connected North Program Report

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1524292

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New improvements have made the platform more responsive and accessible to all to use: ● An entirely new, mobile-friendly user interface has improved the user experience, providing more visual content (thumbnails), video previews, and ensured accessibility for all users. ● Educators and Content Providers can now negotiate dates and times for sessions back-and-forth without the need for our team to intervene, saving time and speeding up session booking. ● Integration with Canada Postʼs API has supported automated notifications to teachers when packages are waiting at remote post offices for pickup, reducing cancellations. ● Creation of a login for Principals/Administrators, where they can view all of the Connected North activity in their school and get session reminders and updates. This improves schoolwide communication and has fuelled collaboration between teachers. ● A new Resources section for Content Providers has allowed us to continue to develop Content Providersʼ knowledge and skills, sharing data, trends, and best practice. EDUCATORS Of our 1,089 active teachers during the 2023-24 school year, 862 have used the platform, or approximately 80% of our active teachers, up from 70% last year. Our goal is to continue to expand the percentage of bookings self-requested by educators through this digital platform to allow our team to focus guidance and support on educators who need it the most. Through the platform, teachers can easily see what sessions are available, look at the materials that the Connected North team will provide (or what they should prepare), and receive reminders and connection details to minimize missed or cancelled sessions. 10

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