
Connected North in Our Classroom

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1522644

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Page 98 of 112

Today, classrooms are more blended in their use of technology. Popular LMS like Google Classroom and Seesaw allow teachers to flip classrooms and offer students the opportunity to create links and access resources to prepare for sessions, and help teachers to create activating lessons and tasks, document sessions, and create follow-up activities. Carefully integrating Connected North sessions allows us to maximize the experience and the impact it has on future learning opportunities. For example, through Connected North, I was able to introduce Yoga and mindfulness to my class. Through the provider, my students developed a greater appreciation of Yoga but also allowed me to be a learner alongside my students. Becoming the lead learner allowed me, the teacher, to model the behaviours and learning strategies that students need as they participate in the session. Guest lecturers and speakers bring new perspectives to the classroom that become jumping points for new lessons and continued growth. For example, bringing authors into the classroom to speak about their work, writing strategies, and techniques gives students the opportunity to learn from these artists and professionals while reinforcing the techniques and strategies we are teaching in our classroom and adding a new dynamic voice for the students. Connected North offered our students a window and lens through which to see the world and how they may be a part of it. Connected North has become an important part of my classroom and my students' learning. I have used it as a tool to help differentiate instruction and offer new learning opportunities. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Parke Trann - Connected North in Our Classroom 98

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