
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Memorable Moment Another memorable moment with Connected North was a "Nazi Propaganda" unit with my Social Studies 11 class last year, led by Kevin Hicks of the History Squad. At that time, my class was learning about the Second World War, and who is a better person to talk to than a real-life war veteran with a knack for history? My students were deeply intrigued by Kevin's experiences and deeply insightful and informed opinions and storytelling about war history. To one particular remark a student made, Kevin responded wittingly and handled the comment with great skill. Some particularly memorable moments with Connected North have included an instance in the Musk Ox Drawing session by the Winnipeg Art Gallery, co-led by Inuk artist Goota Ashoona, in which Goota revealed that we had the delightful honour of being her first Nunavut-based class with whom she had the opportunity to communicate and instruct in the Inuktitut language. My Art 10 students lit up and smiled when Goota began speaking to them in Inuktitut. Students in Nunavut benefit immensely from education that is directly relevant to and incorporates their Inuit language, culture, and identity, and this particularly memorable Connected North art lesson did a great job reinforcing this. The attention to this topic was at my request because my class was in need of some conversations on the topic. I am thoroughly grateful for Kevin's contribution to my class and his impressive handling of these sensitive and pertinent issues of the 21st century in the age of social media. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Eric Zheng - Connected North in Our Classroom 87

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