
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Page 48 of 112

The first session we had was a yoga session as part of our Physical Education class. That year our school was still following COVID-19 protocols, so yoga seemed like a great way for individuals to practice mindfulness and physical well-being without contacting items or one another. I recall being nervous to try something new, but our facilitator and the presenter had confidence that oozed through their welcoming manner. The minor technical challenges were resolved through the facilitators' experienced coaching, and the presenter connected with the students with a friendly and encouraging approach. Since that initial session, I have felt confident and have been supported by my administration and the Connected North staff to integrate sessions into our learning as purposefully and as often as possible. I've approached the selection of sessions thoughtfully, considering how each one aligns with our curriculum and learning objectives. I would encourage teachers who might be unfamiliar with the program to start with a session that resonates with your students' interests and the subjects you're currently teaching. From there, gradually explore more diverse topics, and experiment with different subject areas or activities. It is powerful to expose students to different perspectives and provide hands- on learning experiences. Connected North aligns with my values by providing academic knowledge, cultural perspectives, and unique opportunities to the classrooms they serve. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Ailen White - Connected North in Our Classroom 48

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