
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Integrating Connected North Later in the fall, as we were immersing ourselves in the school climate, two representatives from Connected North visited our school. They checked on the Cisco video conferencing unit and connections to make sure everything was in order. They also facilitated a seminar for the grades 5-8 class. The presenter was an engineer from New York who demonstrated the structural integrity of trusses. Each student was provided with a kit of craft sticks and glue to build their bridge. Coincidentally, the construction crew was simultaneously installing trusses on the new part of the school. For the Grades 1-4 class, the demonstration, titled "Expressing your Emotions", turned into a most memorable session. The presenter asked the students to take turns acting out their emotions. In this fun-filled session, the students developed their imaginations and explored their emotions through movements, voice, and facial expression. For a daily twist, Miss Merly started using this activity every morning with the students acting out, "How do I feel today?" C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Merly Punsalan & Frances Youck - Connected North in Our Classroom 16

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