
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Contents of this Issue


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Preparing for Sessions Using Connected North sessions support learning. However, it is essential that we build the sessions into our lessons, units, and year plans. Thanks to the Session Menu, hard copy and online, in combination with your Connected North School Lead, teachers have the ability to align sessions to match and support their teaching and curriculum. From past experience, using a combination of the catalogue and liaison helps get the most out of planning for our sessions. Further, by planning in advance collaboratively, you can share the specific needs and wants for your class and learning event so that the provider may customize their session to your class, or the teacher may make adjustments so that the session aligns with their curriculum. Planning is essential in getting the most out of these sessions. The first step is always to consider the content of the session and how it will be part of the lesson and unit. Is this a single session, or is it going to be part of the series of sessions on a topic? What activities will you do to activate learning for this session? What do the students need to know about the provider? How will you set up the room? Can students see and be seen? How will the audio work – muting and unmuting? What supplies do you need for the session? How do students ask questions – through you or on their own? What will be the exit plan for the session? What follow-up activities will be done to extend and continue the learning from the session? And, most important, what role will you play in the session? C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Parke Trann - Connected North in Our Classroom 99

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