
Connected North in Our Classroom

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During live sessions, to facilitate student participation and accommodation of students who may need support, I often ensure students have a piece of paper, and writing utensil so they can jot down notes. Prior to sessions, I also have my students complete KWL charts, where they can reflect on what they already "know" about the presentation topic; what they "want" to know or learn more about; and, after the session, they can reflect on what they have "learned" from the session. At times as an educator, I engage with the presenter, and encourage students to respond and engage by asking facilitating questions or prompting questions. I have included an example of the KWL chart below. KWL Chart Example: Prior to engaging in Connected North sessions in my classroom, some pre- teaching techniques I often use include the following: Preparation and preview: Briefly introduce the topic before the Connected North session to set expectations of what students will learn, and to ensure they are aware the session will be happening. Interactive discussions: Encourage interactive discussions by sharing thoughts during the presentation, responding to prompts from the speaker, and encouraging students to respond and participate. Real-World relevance: Connect the presentation topic to the topics we are covering in our classroom, and relate them to real life experiences, as well as our local community. Follow-up activities: Introduce any activities or follow-up activities I will be assigning students to complete, such as exit tickets or KWL charts (explored below). C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Lisa Schellenberger - Connected North in Our Classroom 83

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