
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Some of the sessions that you book will require additional preparation prior to engaging in the session. For example, in our Voting Rights Through Time and Elections Canada session, we were mailed a booklet of materials alongside a teacher's guide, which provided background information for teachers, and an overview of the resources and materials that would be used during the session. This session required me to review the teacher guide to understand how the resources would be used in the session and have stations or groups prepared for students prior to dialling in. This was a topic that we were covering in our grade 10 Social Studies Governance and Leadership unit, so we had reviewed content connecting to the topic of voting through history ahead of this session to ensure students understood the topic at hand. Below is a photo of the Elections Canada resources and teachers guide, that were provided prior to our session on Voting Rights Through Time. Photo: Resources provided by Elections Canada for our Connected North session on Voting Rights Through Time. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Lisa Schellenberger - Connected North in Our Classroom 82

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