
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Reflecting on one of my most memorable sessions with Connected North in my classroom, would be our #RisingYouth Project presentation. In this session, students in my grade 12 Aulajaaqtut class learned about the youth grant program that was being offered by TakingITGlobal, which offered three different levels of funding, and required students to develop a project that targeted supporting their local communities. This session and the grant application process supported our youth in developing several skills including: being hands-on in supporting their local communities, developing leadership skills by empowering our students to assume leadership roles, improving communication skills and working as a team, encouraging entrepreneurial thinking and teaching them about budgeting, incorporating members of community and cultural awareness into decision making, applying for grants, improved time management through planning and executing projects, and resilience by overcoming challenges faced when implementing the projects. Some of our student-led projects included an intramural sports tournament, school-wide escape rooms that classes worked together to complete, an ice- fishing and goose hunting day trip where students had the opportunity to spend the day on the land together, bonding, connecting, and getting to know each other outside of the classroom. Below are photos taken during our student-led ice fishing and goose hunting trip, which was inspired by our Rising Youth Project presentation offered by Connected North. At the end of their presentations, students also received a signed certificate by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, facilitated by Connected North, recognizing them for their contributions to the local community. Photo: Land-trip funded by the TakingITGlobal #RisingYouth grants. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Lisa Schellenberger - Connected North in Our Classroom 81

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