
Connected North in Our Classroom

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When I began teaching at Inuksuk High School, we received a presentation by our School Lead outlining the Connected North program, and I thought to myself, "What an amazing program." Initially, I would reach out directly via email to book sessions through Connected North. Now, Connected North offers an easily accessible Session Menu, which provides a breakdown of curricular connections, as well as presenters, and a description of their presentation topics. Booking sessions is so accessible and easy! Many times, in my classroom, Connected North has helped to provide hands-on and content learning opportunities for my students that would not have been possible otherwise. Whether it is facilitating students in my grade 10 social studies class in learning the importance of voting alongside Elections Canada, or teaching students the steps to making an apple berry crisp with Kanina Terry in Ontario, Connected North has made these opportunities possible. I am certain there is an educator in your school who has used Connected North before. If not, I would encourage you to reach out directly to Connected North. It is an amazing support, and the team will be readily available to answer all your questions. If the system appears daunting or you are nervous about the process of setting up your sessions, the process is very easy, and once you are shown, you will be teaching others how to set up the system as soon as you try! If you are unfamiliar with how to book or setup a session, I encourage you to speak with an educator in your school who is comfortable with the program. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Lisa Schellenberger - Connected North in Our Classroom 80

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