
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Page 67 of 112

Connected North sessions served as excellent unit hooks because they incorporated hands-on activities that not only captivated students but also laid the groundwork for final unit projects. For instance, "Silly Circuits" served as a compelling lead-in for our electricity unit, prompting students to consider how to complete their science fair cumulative projects. Choosing the First Session & Booking When picking my initial Connected North session, I tied it to the curricular outcomes and wove it into our year plan. This created a seamless experience for students, offering context before and after the session. Throughout the year, I strategically select sessions that align with our ongoing curriculum. Planning ahead ensures a smooth fit and reduces the chance of disappointment if a specific session is unavailable. The Connected North interface is very user friendly. Search for curricular outcomes and grades or ages, and it shows you the choices you can have! Connected North sends in materials and resources to support and enrich science classes. These sessions bring in real scientists that students can engage with. They can see themselves in STEM careers that require problem-solving skills, design skills, and computational thinking through hands-on sessions. I'm excited to incorporate more technology-focused sessions in the coming months. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Karen Chan Gray - Connected North in Our Classroom 67

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