
Connected North in Our Classroom

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1522644

Contents of this Issue


Page 42 of 112

Incorporating Connected North My first Session was hands-on with local Inuvialuit artist Priscilla Boulay in soapstone carving. This related well with our Indigenous arts curriculum, and the fact that it was also a local artist made it even more valuable! I look for two things when I search for a session: 1. Is it related to the curriculum or to what I am already learning? 2. Can students see themselves in their work? (e.g., is there a local or global connection to what they are learning in the classroom?) My favourite sessions involve the materials and supplies kits because they allow students to be hands-on, creative, and engaged! A tip to keep in mind is that if you do decide on a session with a materials kit, you have to book in advance because it can take up to eight weeks for the package to arrive. Also, double-check that the package contains all of the supplies needed for the session. If you are unfamiliar with Connected North, I would suggest browsing through the menu selection on the app and apply filters such as your grade level and units of study. This will help to fine-tune your session options. It is also best to reach out to your School Lead to find sessions that are best suited for your grade level and curriculum topic. Sometimes there could be new sessions added! C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Amy Ing - Connected North in Our Classroom 42

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