
Connected North in Our Classroom

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1522644

Contents of this Issue


Page 43 of 112

Preparing for a Session An example of a Session that requires preparation is Soapstone Carving with Priscilla Boulay. During Morning Meeting, I introduce the students to the artist's background and some of her pieces. Then I ask students if they have carved before using different types of mediums (e.g., wood, metal). I was surprised some students have carved before with family and know the safety measures we have to be careful with. This all helps to activate prior knowledge and make connections to their own learning, especially carving out on the land. I really like how Connected North prepares a handout for teachers to read through before a session and it includes set up instructions, materials lists, and any pre-Session activities. This helps teachers to know what to expect during the live session. Before the live session, I ask the students to help me prepare the classroom. Students help me arrange the tables in rows so that all students can visually see the Connected North unit. Then they can help me fill bowls of water. The night before, I ask families to bring in an old dish towel to wipe up water used during the carving. This also helps reduce waste from paper towels. Then I e-mail families with any post-session instructions, such as how to seal the coconut oil onto the finished carving. I love how I can reach out to the artist for information too. After the session, many students and even families are so impressed with their carvings! C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Amy Ing - Connected North in Our Classroom 43

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