
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Closing Comments For teachers embarking on their Connected North journey, my best advice is to prioritize student feedback, establish clear guidelines for sessions, and foster a collaborative environment where students feel empowered to explore their interests. Building relationships with presenters, providing constructive feedback, and participating in program surveys contribute to the program's continual improvement. We have fully enjoyed working with Connected North at Hidden Valley School and look forward to more collaboration in the future! Assessment In terms of assessment, I integrate Connected North sessions into broader learning objectives in different ways. I often use a unit to introduce something new. I make sure to link the session to the big ideas we are exploring and have on bulletin boards in the class. I use rubrics to evaluate proficiency in skills or new knowledge acquired during sessions. I have students self-assess their participation and the key skill or concept of the session. I also collect student feedback through online surveys and class discussions. Aligning assessments with overarching curriculum goals ensures meaningful integration of Connected North in our classroom learning environment. Incorporating self-reflection activities related to core competencies enhances students' awareness and personal growth. Encouraging students to reflect on their participation, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities fosters a deeper understanding of their strengths and areas for growth. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Nicole Birkeland - Connected North in Our Classroom 37

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