
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Contents of this Issue


Page 36 of 112

Advice for New Educators Some advice for educators looking to use Connected North is to be proactive. Preparation is key in organizing materials, prepping students for what to expect, and having a plan to address potential frustrations students may encounter and strategies to support them. Front- loading expectations and session information helps student buy-in and fosters participation. Communication with presenters and facilitators about student needs and available support in the room sets the stage for a successful session. Student Engagement To further support student engagement, I designate student leaders during sessions. These leaders help by preparing materials, assisting with technology, and pre-generating questions to ask presenters. By delegating leaders, we ensure that our students are not only prepared but also engaged in Connected North sessions, maximizing their learning potential. In our classroom, we've done various sewing and beading sessions that required preparation to ensure student success and engagement. Learning from our initial experience where we spent valuable session time threading needles, we took steps to improve the experience for future sessions. Ahead of a beading session, we reached out to caregivers to assist with threading needles in advance and being present during the session to help, allowing us to optimize our time with the presenter and minimize frustration. Classroom Management In situations where disruptions or distractions arise, having a plan is helpful. I suggest providing students with options for taking breaks or engaging in alternative quiet activities. Muting when students are not actively participating, turning off the classroom view, and setting up the room for easy access to materials and screen visibility help limit distractions. During the sessions, I see myself as a participant and learner. I actively participate by doing the activity alongside students, asking probing questions, and soliciting honest feedback to contribute to learning during the sessions. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Nicole Birkeland - Connected North in Our Classroom 36

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