
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Contents of this Issue


Page 31 of 112

Through the Connected North program, not only do we have access to fabulous presenters, but we also have the majority of the materials provided to us. This is another core piece of this program. Many of the materials that are required, we are unable to obtain locally. Connected North has removed barriers that may be problematic for classrooms to access these resources quickly and economically. The Connected North staff does a great job of vetting each of the presenters to ensure that the presentations are engaging and high quality. We have participated in countless sessions and many of them, I continue to return to year after year. I return to these sessions because they are outstanding, meeting the curriculum expectations in fantastic ways that bring authentic and experiential learning to my students. Several of the presenters leave my students begging for more. When a presentation has been so engaging that students are enthusiastically sharing about it around the school and in other classes, I know that the learning that took place was worth every moment. It is always a bright moment when our principal or other teachers can hear us throughout the hallways, fully engaging with a presenter, and they bring visitors to come to check out the learning that is occurring. We can't wait to share our learning with others. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Jennifer Harrison - Connected North in Our Classroom 31

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