
Connected North in Our Classroom

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Merly Punsalan & Frances Youck Bimaychikamah School Slate Falls, Ontario Boozhoo (Hello). We are Miss Merly and Miss Frances. We are big fans of Connected North, using the service close to once per week each. We teach in the community of Slate Falls First Nation, located on Bamaji Lake, 175 kilometers by road north of the town of Sioux Lookout, Ontario. Slate Falls has a population of about 250 people; the elementary school has 50 registered students. Bimaychikamah School is divided into three classes: Jr./Sr. Kindergarten, Grades 1-4 (led by Miss Merly), and Grades 5-8 (led by Miss Frances). Introduction When we first started at Slate Falls, we were introduced to the Connected North crew at the annual summer institute teacher conference, held right before classes started. All teachers in the Windigo Tribal Council were included. Connected North demonstrated its offering with a remote art lesson led by an artist from Beam Paints. These Indigenous-inspired paints are made from natural materials and packaged in plastic-free wrappings - attributes that reflect the environmental values our school promotes. C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Merly Punsalan & Frances Youck - Connected North in Our Classroom 15

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