
Connected North in Our Classroom

Issue link: https://takingitglobal.uberflip.com/i/1522644

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Tips to get started: Closing Comments Ensure your classroom routines and expectations are clear before your first session Search the catalogue in different ways – by grades, subject, a-z and z-a, or provider Find a time or two in your schedule when you can consistently sign up for sessions and let your Connected North School Lead know these (ex: Mon/Thurs @ 11 or 1), this has helped substantially with bookings and rebooking sessions because my lead can make reasonable judgments about when to rebook Consider the areas you struggle to teach or want to improve upon and pick those first – for me, ART… it's amazing how we can now learn almost our entire art curriculum via Connected North sessions (beading, sewing, carving, painting, drawing, stencil/printmaking) ALWAYS consider booking novel opportunities your students don't get to experience (author visits, zoos, aquariums, NASA, museums). These can be the most memorable, and you can almost ALWAYS tie any session back to a curriculum Book similar sessions far apart so that learning can be consolidated over time Invest in the relationship with your Connected North School Lead! This truly has been one of the most personally rewarding benefits because both of my facilitators have randomly shown up in my classroom and the feelings of love and connection when I get to meet them in person are REAL. Also, it probably helps in booking ;) I love that Connected North gives me an opportunity to show myself as a learner with the students. I don't know it all - I listen, learn, and ask questions. I make connections to old learning and put in work to consolidate new learning. Students go through this process with me and find that learning can be fun, and it is lifelong. If you could connect your students to passionate educators around the world, providing exposure to different cultures; embracing diversity and opportunity; and empowering students to wonder, question, and think critically and creatively, why wouldn't you? C o n n e c t e d N o r t h i n O u r C l a s s r o o m Amber Allison - Connected North in Our Classroom 14

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